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TD Bank Routing Number |
TD Bank is currently operating in 13 states of USA namely New Jersey NJ, Pennsylvania PA, New York NY, Massachusetts MA, Connecticut CT, Maine Me, Delaware DE, Vermont VT, Virginia VA, New Hampshire NH, Maryland MD, Florida FL and Washington DC. Each branch in these locations has a unique code called routing number also known as the ABA number. This is a combination of numerical digits which is used in identifying a particular bank branch. Not only for the identification purpose but it is also used in financial transaction.
Likewise, the ABA routing number for TD Bank is the unique code which they particularly use for direct deposits and online accounts opening. If the customers have any difficulty in finding the routing numbers, there are many options to find it. In such case, one can contact the customer service or visit the concerned branch. Another way is to refer to the check as it also appears on the left bottom corner of the check. However the current routing number of the bank and that of your check may be different as the bank has undergone several conversions and acquisitions, but it has arranged to link automatically to the correct one. Moreover the TD Ameritrade also uses such kind of routing numbers for electronic funds transfer.
The routing numbers for various divisions of TD Banknorth or Bank North are as follows:
Maine: 211274450
New Hampshire: 011400071
Massachusetts: 211370545
Connecticut: 011103093
New York: 021302567
Vermont: 011600033
Metro-New York: 021201503
Pennsylvania: 031901482
New Jersey: 021201503
Delaware: 031101266
There are also many other codes like IBAN number and Swift Code which are basically used for the international wire transfers. However this IBAN number is only required for outgoing Euro currency but not for the incoming foreign transfers. The IBAN number can be obtained from the concerned branches. If you are curious about the question like "what is TD Bank Swift Code" there is 24/7 customer service to help you. The following Swift code or BIC code can be used for the international wire transfers.
TD Bank, N.A
TD Bank Routing Number NJ
The TD Bank also has several branches in New Jersey and one of its headquarters is also located in Cherry Hill New Jersey. As mentioned earlier, the customer resides in various parts of New Jersey like Berlin, Brick, Clifton, Jackson Medford, Nutley, Union, Vineland, Williamstown, Woodbury, Edison, Camden, Cranford, Glassboro, Piscataway and Point Pleasant can find the routing number on checks, as well as from the respective branch and the customer service.
TD Bank Routing Number NY
Like the other TD Bank customers, the customers in Astoria, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan and Staten Island of New York can also find the routing number from the checks, customer service and branches. For any problem and issue, one can seek help from the 24/7 customer service which can be reached at 888-751-9000.
The customers of TD Bank located in Levittown, Mass, Montville, Newark, Philadelphia, Springfield, Portland, Worcester and others can also follow the exact way mentioned above to find the routing numbers of the respective branches. The routing numbers of some branches are given below.
Address: 140 Mill St Lewiston
ME 04240-1377
Routing Number: 021113206
Address: 6000 Atrium Way, Mt Lauren
NJ 08054-0000
Routing Number: 031101017
For further information on TD Bank's routing number, please follow the instructions mentioned above or you can lookup or search on the internet as well as the bank website.
Website: http://tdbank.com/